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    Avis produit pour Shampoo Réparateur

    5.0 5
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    Donatella | 13/12/2021 17:36
    E' un prodotto veramente buono, lascia i capelli morbidi e idratati
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    Deborah | 04/07/2021 15:23
    Profumo e morbidezza
    Mi piace un sacco. Il suo profumo, la sua cremosità. Pulisce a fondo con delicatezza.
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    Margherita | 22/02/2021 17:19
    Questo low poo scivola tra i capelli senza ungerli o appesantirli e lava benissimo la cute senza daneggiarla o seccarla. Il mio prodotto preferito in assoluto
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    Elena | 15/06/2020 02:00
    Absolutely in love
    I have tried many shampoos on my fine, wavy hair but I fell in love with this one since the first use. The texture is creamy and soft; however, it washes my hair perfectly. It leaves it so soft, I wouldn’t need a conditioner. I highly recommend.
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    Flara | 20/04/2019 23:30
    Bon Shampooing
    Ça ma vraiment aider
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